The excitement’s real when you’re about to fire up some killer tracks from your USB in the car, but nothing dampens the mood like hitting play only to be greeted by… nothing. Dead silence. It turns out, your flash drive and your car’s stereo system are having a bit of a communication breakdown.
So, you may catch yourself thinking, “Which audio format is best for a car USB player?” No need to stress, though. Below, we’ve got you covered with the perfect rundown on USB formats compatible with car stereos to ensure your music never skips a beat again.
Which audio format is best for a car USB player?
Jumping into the world of car stereos and USB formats feels a bit like stepping back in time – and then fast-forwarding. Let’s break it down into something a bit less like rocket science and more like choosing the perfect playlist.
1. FAT and FAT32: Oldies but goodies
FAT (File Allocation Table) and its successor, FAT32, have been the go-to file systems for car stereo USB interfaces for ages. Think of FAT (introduced way back when disco was still a thing) as the trusty old mixtape for small USB drives, rocking out with storage up to 2 GB. FAT32, the upgraded version, is like the double album – it goes up to 4 GB, so you’ve got room for those extended jams.
2. NTFS and exFAT Files: The new kids on the block
As we move into more contemporary car audio setups, systems have begun embracing newer file formats. Enter NTFS and exFAT, the modern groove masters of file formats, handling bigger files and storage capacities like a boss.
NTFS (New Technology File System): NTFS ups the game by supporting massive storage capacities and boasting enhanced performance and additional security features compared to the old-school FAT systems. However, the catch is that it’s not as universally welcomed by car stereos as FAT32, so you’ll want to double-check your car stereo’s manual or hit up the manufacturer’s website to make sure both play nice with each other.
exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table): exFAT, or as the tech heads might call it, FAT64 isn’t just a minor upgrade from FAT32; it’s a major leap forward. A brainchild of Microsoft, exFAT breaks the file size limit, letting you support files up to 2TB, which is pretty much an endless playlist if you ask me. But, the awesomeness of exFAT doesn’t stop at capacity. It’s also designed to be more efficient with large files,
How to Organize Music on USB for Car
Organizing music on a USB drive provides easy access to your favorite tunes. This will require following a few simple steps using a personal computer.
Choose a quality USB drive: Begin with scouting out a USB stick that’s got enough room to handle all the tunes in your collection. Then, plug the drive into a USB port on your computer and wait for the system to recognize it – it usually pops up with a little notification.
Format the USB flash drive: Open the drive and delete any old files you don’t need. Want a fresh start? Format the drive to FAT32 or exFAT (after you check what your car stereo supports, of course) to wipe the slate clean. How do you format a USB stick for car audio, you wonder? Below are helpful steps:
If you’re on Windows, just slide that USB into your PC. Head over to File Explorer or simply press Window + E, find your USB drive, give it a right-click, and choose “Format”. Now, you’ve got to make a choice: FAT32 or exFAT. Think of FAT32 as the reliable old friend who’s always there, but can’t handle files larger than 4GB. exFAT, on the other hand, is like the new kid who’s cool with everything, including big files. Hit “Start”, and you’re all set with a clean USB, ready for your files.
Switching gears to Mac, it’s pretty much the same party but in a different house. Open Disk Utility, spot your USB drive, and hit “Erase”. Here, you’re picking between MS-DOS (FAT) for that universal compatibility or ExFAT if you’re dealing with larger files. Click “Erase”, and your USB drive is as good as new.
Categorize your music files: Think of your USB drive as a big old record bin. You’ll want to create folders to act as dividers, separating your music by artist, album, or genre – whatever makes your DJ heart happy.
Drag and drop: Now comes the fun part. Grab those music files from your computer and drop them into the corresponding folders on your USB drive. Just click and drag – easy peasy. Alternatively, copy-paste the files.
Safely eject the USB drive: Once you’ve copied all your music over, don’t just yank out the USB drive. Right-click on the drive icon and hit ‘Eject’ to make sure you don’t corrupt any of your newly organized tunes.
Test: Finally, take the USB drive for a spin in your car. Plug in the drive, hit play, and see how your stereo handles your freshly organized library. If everything’s sorted right, finding that perfect driving track should be a piece of cake
How to make USB auto-play music on your car stereo
Get started with the steps below to set up USB auto-play music on your car stereo:
Find a suitable USB drive: First things first, ensure the USB drive you choose is compatible with your car stereo. A glance at your car stereo’s manual or a dive into the manufacturer’s website should tell you the types of USB drives your system is cool with.
Format the USB drive: Before it can carry your music collection, your USB drive needs to speak the same language as your car stereo. That means formatting it to typically FAT32 or exFAT – these are the options that are in tune with most car systems.
Organize your music: Organizing your music into folders makes navigation easier and ensures your tracks play in the desired order. Create folders based on artists, albums, or genres, then fill them with corresponding music files. Remember to keep your files in a format that your car will vibe with, like MP3, WMA, or AAC.
Test USB auto-play: Safely disconnect the USB drive from your computer and head to your car. Plug the drive into your car stereo’s USB port, fire up the ignition, and see if your music collection starts jamming out on its own. And just like that, you’re set to score your every drive with your favorite tracks!
Options for when USB won’t play all songs in your car
MP3 songs not playing in your car USB? Or is your stereo displaying “Incompatible USB” when you insert your flash drive? Let’s break down what might be going on and figure out how to fix it:
Incorrect formatting
Imagine your car stereo and USB drive are like two pals trying to chat, but one’s speaking French and the other’s all about Spanish. The conversation isn’t going to flow too well, right? That’s what happens when your stereo and USB drive are incompatible. So, take a peek at what file system your car stereo uses, then hop onto your computer to tweak your USB drive accordingly. It’s all about making them speak the same lingo!
Dirty USB port
Dust, debris, or oxidation can accumulate in the car’s USB port over time, causing connectivity issues with the USB drive. For this, grab a gentle toothbrush you’ve retired from the bathroom or a can of compressed air to give that port a spa day. Just remember, you’re going for gentle love and care here—no liquids or abrasive materials, okay?
Corrupted files
Corrupted or damaged audio files may be behind MP3 songs not playing in a car USB. How about giving those tracks a test on another gadget? If they still won’t play ball, it’s time to hunt down a fresh, unblemished version from a trustworthy place.
Outdated car stereo firmware
Sometimes, your car stereo is just feeling a bit, well, outdated. It happens to the best of us. Outdated firmware is like clinging to that flip phone from 2003; it’s just not equipped to deal with today’s hits. Swing by the manufacturer’s website and see if there’s a software update waiting for your stereo. Take it as teaching an old dog new tricks but with less fetching and more rocking out.
So, everything’s smooth sailing, and then bam — out of nowhere, your Hyundai’s radio decides to throw a fit. No tunes, just chaos, and there you are, hitting every button imaginable, hoping for a miracle. But hey, don’t even think about running to a mechanic or coughing up cash at the dealership. This guide right here? We’ve got you on how to reset Hyundai radio, and before you know it, you’ll be vibing to your top tracks again, all without spending a penny.
How to Reset Hyundai Radio After Battery Change
A Hyundai radio may require a code because the battery was disconnected, swapped, or there was some sort of electric glitch. It’s all about keeping your stereo safe from theft or unauthorized jamming sessions.
Now, where do you find your Hyundai radio code? First stop, check your glove box. There should be a sticker in there labeled “Anti-Theft Radio Code.” If that’s a no-go, don’t sweat it. You can whip out your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and the radio’s serial number and pop them into a radio code generator online—pretty neat, right?
If all else fails, your friendly neighborhood Hyundai dealer is at your service, or hit up the Hyundai Help Center at (1800) 186 306. They’ve got your back. So, there’s no need to miss out on your playlists for too long.
Now, here’s how to reset your Hyundai radio using the code you’ve just obtained:
First, fire up your ignition and the radio. You should see a little prompt on the radio’s display saying “1 CODE.” That’s your cue.
Your Hyundai stereo is likely decked out with preset buttons numbered from 1 to 6. You’ll use them to input your Hyundai radio code. Let’s say your code is 6534. Here’s how it plays out: hit button #1 six times, button #2 five times, then do the same for the rest of the sequence.
Now for the grand finale. Press button #5 to seal the deal. If all went according to plan, your radio should burst back to life, ready to serenade you.
Just a heads up, though – your Hyundai isn’t going to let you keep guessing that radio code forever. You’ve got a limited number of shots at this before your radio decides it’s had enough and locks up. Think of it as a game where you’ve only got a few lives. As such, you might be in for a little road trip to your Hyundai dealership.
Factory resetting Hyundai radio Using the pinhole
If your Hyundai radio is not working or seems to have lost its settings—there’s a DIY fix for that using the pinhole, as illustrated below.
Grab something small and pointy to press the reset button — a paperclip is usually perfect for this sort of mission, but if you’ve got a pen with a narrow tip or a sturdy toothpick, those will work too.
Time to turn on your radio and play detective. Look closely and you’ll find a small pinhole, subtly placed on the upper left or lower right side of the radio’s face—often it’s chilling above the FM/AM button or somewhere near the phone button.
Pop your tool into the pinhole gently. Press down until you feel the button give a little. Hold it there for a couple of seconds — that should initiate the factory reset process. This bit’s like hitting the snooze button in the morning, except you’re waking your Hyundai radio.
Release the button and give your radio a moment to catch its breath — it might need a sec to reboot. It’s like it’s getting a fresh start, wiping all those presets and Bluetooth pairings clean. All those settings, from your carefully chosen presets to your Bluetooth pairings, will get a clean slate.
Following a successful reset, you get to do the fun part — setting it up again. Dial in your favorite stations, pair your devices back up, and balance those sound settings so your songs sound just the way you like them.
Remember, this hack is a surefire way to reset the radios on Hyundai Elantra models between 2020 and 2022, as well as on some Tucson models. For a different Hyundai model, the location of this magic pinhole may be different, or the process might vary slightly. When in doubt, your owner’s manual comes in handy as the map to the treasure.
Resetting a Hyundai radio using the fuse box
Hyundai radio display or buttons not working? Detaching the audio fuse or replacing a damaged one could help. Follow these steps:
Gather a few essential tools: First things first, you’re going to need something like needle-nose pliers. These are super helpful for pulling out and putting in fuses.
Turn off the ignition: Before you do anything, make sure your car is parked safely and turn off the engine. You’re not playing with a moving target here.
Find the fuse box: This little box of wonders is usually hanging out under the dashboard on the driver’s side, but it might be snuggled in the engine compartment instead. If it’s playing hide-and-seek, your Hyundai’s owner’s manual is the cheat sheet with its hiding spot.
Identify the radio fuse: Now, you’re looking for a specific fuse that’s all about the radio, usually labeled “Audio” or something similar. There should be a diagram on the fuse box cover or in the manual that tells you which one it is.
Remove the radio fuse: Gently coax it out of its slot with those needle-nose pliers, a fuse puller, or your fingers. If the fuse looks beaten, it’s time for a new one.
Reinsert the radio fuse: Give the radio system a short, sweet pause to reset – around 30 seconds to a minute. Then, with your tool of choice and the grace of a ninja, reinsert the radio fuse back into its home slot.
Test the radio: Cue the drumroll as you turn on your car, and voila! Test if the radio springs back to life, ready to serenade you. You may need to play DJ for a bit, reprogramming your radio stations and settings. If the radio remains stubborn, it might be time to tag in a professional.
Replace the fuse box cover: Seal the deal by snapping the fuse box cover back into place. And that’s it!
How to reset Hyundai infotainment system
Resetting your Hyundai’s media system can help resolve software glitches or connectivity issues. Here are the steps to factory reset your infotainment system using the screen:
Turn on your Hyundai. Make sure it’s in Park, with the engine humming along or in accessory mode, where just the electronics are alive and kicking.
Within the settings menu, look for an option labeled “General.” It’s like finding the control room where all the major settings hang out
Look for the “System Info” option, then select the “Default” on the side menu.
Some Hyundai models want you to choose “Reset all” after this step.
A message pops up asking if you’re sure about this reset business. It’s your last chance to back out before everything goes back to how it was when you first got your car.
By selecting “Yes,” you’re giving the green light to reset. Your infotainment system will take a moment to clear all settings and start fresh. Don’t turn off your vehicle or disconnect the battery, as this could cause damage to the system.
Once the reset’s done, the infotainment system will reboot and greet you with the welcome screen you saw when your car was just a newbie. Now’s the time to get everything set up again — language, time, your favorite stations, and pairing your phone over Bluetooth
Resetting the Hyundai infotainment system when the display isn’t working
If your Hyundai display is not working, there’s a handy trick you can try using the reset pinhole, a kind of secret reset button designed for situations like this.
Locate the pinhole: This little reset button is usually hiding in plain sight on the front panel of your infotainment system. Its preferred hiding spots include near corners or edges of the screen.
Prepare the tool: Your tool for this mission should be small and thin. Options include a paperclip straightened into your makeshift key, a sewing needle, a sturdy toothpick, or the working end of a sharp ballpen.
Insert the tool: Gently insert your chosen tool into the pinhole. Once you feel the slight resistance of the reset button, press gently and hold for about 1-2 seconds.
The quiet before the storm: After you’ve pressed the button, take a step back. The screen should turn blank, a brief pause in the world of your Hyundai’s electronics. Then, it will spring back to life, graced by the Hyundai logo.
Confirm the reset: With the system freshly awakened, it’s time to see if this little reset did the trick. Go through the functions that were giving you trouble before. Hopefully, everything’s back to normal.
Picture this: you’re cruising through the city on your sleek, eco-friendly electric scooter, the wind in your hair, and the world at your fingertips. But then, suddenly, the dreaded range anxiety creeps in. Will you reach your destination, or will you be stranded, miles from home, with a dead battery and a sinking heart?
Fear not, intrepid riders. In this post, we’ll explore the 8 best long-range electric scooters for adults that will banish your range anxiety for good. We’re talking about the ultimate combination of power, distance, and cutting-edge technology to keep you on the road and ahead of the curve. With these little beasts, your sense of adventure is the only limit!
But that’s not all. We’ll also include an in-depth buyer’s guide to help you decide based on your needs and preferences. From battery life to durability, we have all the bases covered.
Are Long-Range Electric Scooters Worth It?
Is a long-range e-scooter worth your money? Let’s explore some of its benefits:
Increased travel distance
For those who need to commute longer or want more flexibility during their adventures, a long-range scooter can provide extra mileage without frequently recharging.
Reduced range anxiety
One of the major concerns for electric vehicle users is running out of battery power while on the go. Long-range electric scooters alleviate this concern by providing a more extensive battery capacity and allowing riders to confidently embark on longer journeys without the fear of being stranded.
Improved battery technology
To achieve long-range capabilities, these machines often utilize advanced battery technologies. That could mean increased capacity, faster charging times, and longer overall battery life.
Cost savings
No doubt, e-scooters with a long range have a higher upfront cost. But their increased efficiency can result in long-term savings on energy consumption and transportation expenses. The reduced charging frequency minimizes battery degradation and extends the battery’s lifespan, contributing to cost-effectiveness.
The best scooters for long-distance travel can cater to various users, from daily commuters to leisure riders. The extended range allows riders to adapt their scooters to different situations and travel requirements.
Environmental benefits
As with electric vehicles, long-range electric scooters contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, leading to a more sustainable mode of transportation. The ability to cover longer distances also means fewer trips and potentially less overall energy consumption.
Enhanced features
Long-range electric scooters incorporate additional features, making for a more comfortable and enjoyable ride. These include improved suspension, higher top speeds, and better build quality.
How to Choose a Long-Range Electric Scooter
Here are the primary considerations for longest-range electric scooters.
Your Typical Travel Distance
This is the most apparent consideration for the best electric scooters for long-distance travel. By looking at your daily routes, you can determine if the range of your preferred machine will be enough for those trips. If it’s not, then it’s time for some more research.
If you’re buying an electric scooter to replace a car or public transportation, chances are good that your typical travel distance will be long.
Battery Capacity, Type, and Charging Duration
Battery qualities that matter for long-range electric scooters include:
Capacity: The battery capacity of an electric scooter is measured in watt-hours (Wh). The higher the Wh, the longer your ride will last before recharging.
Type: Electric scooter battery can be lead-acid or lithium-ion. Lead acid batteries are cheaper but heavier than lithium-ion batteries, which can be lighter, smaller, and more expensive.
Charging duration: How long it takes to charge your electric scooter depends on its battery type and capacity. Most electric scooters with a long range take at least 7 hours for a full recharge. However, some models refill faster, thanks to fast and double charging.
Build quality and comfort
The frame and components should be solid, so your e-scooter will hold up to your weight and the rigors of daily use. If you live in a wet area, choose a higher waterproofing rating.
Choose a long-distance electric scooter with good shock absorption capabilities for smoother rides on rough terrains. At least get one wit pneumatic tires instead of solid rubber ones; they’re more flexible and can adapt better under pressure than their solid counterparts.
You also want to look at the shock absorbers’ design. Some models come with adjustable ones for added flexibility. Others lack this feature but still work perfectly fine nonetheless. You could also consider a long-range electric scooter with a seat if you’re concerned with leg fatigue.
The warranty is critical when buying any product for protection against defects and malfunctions. If a manufacturer offers a lengthy product warranty, it’s likely because they know their product will last for years without needing repairs or replacements.
Some parts in electric scooters with long ranges and high speeds will likely need replacing after extensive use. These include tires (which wear out quickly), batteries (which lose capacity over time), and motor controllers (which become damaged due to overheating). Ensure these items are covered under any extended warranty before making your final decision!
Best Long-Range Electric Scooters
1. Inokim OXO
Price: $1,999
This engineering marvel is not just a scooter; it’s a statement, a testament to the fusion of art and technology. The Inokim OXO stands proud, boasting a solid CNC-machined build that refuses to groan under pressure.
The components, sourced from the trusted INOKIM, fit together seamlessly, creating a masterpiece of form and function. The large foot platform measures a generous 20 x 8.5 inches, providing ample space to plant your feet. However, perfection is elusive. The deck, made of hard plastic, lacks a grippy rubber or tape. But worry not! A simple solution awaits in the form of grip tape, available for as little as $9-$18 on Amazon.
Armed with IPX4 waterproofing, this road warrior weighs 74 pounds and supports riders up to a formidable 350 pounds.
At the heart of this best long-range electric scooter lies a 57.6V, 25.6Ah LG battery. With a maximum mileage of 52 miles on Eco mode, adventure awaits. The real-world range for aggressive riding is an impressive 36 miles. Its charging time is 13.5 hours, but its thrill is worth the wait.
Speed is limited to 15 mph, but when unleashed its true potential, it can soar up to 40 mph. The Inokim OXO clocks 15 mph in a breathtaking 3.5 seconds, thanks to the dual 1000W brushless gearless motors, each boasting a peak power of 1300W. A front engine on/off button puts you in complete control.
The two 10 x 2.5-inch pneumatic tires offer a smooth-sailing sensation on all terrain types, and their thin profile ensures nimble steering. Rubber suspension and single-sided swingarms complement the experience. The Zoom hydraulic brakes bring you from 15 mph to a halt within 8.8 feet.
In the dark, low-mounted LED lights at the front and rear illuminate your path, turning on automatically when night falls. However, the rear light’s position leaves something to be desired. To ensure maximum visibility, consider an after-market high-mounted headlight.
2. Dualtron Thunder 2
Price: $4,299
Rising from the ashes of its legendary predecessor, Dualtron Thunder, the Thunder 2 emerges as the torchbearer of Minimotor’s electric scooter legacy. It epitomizes power and finesse, a beefy, high-performance off-road machine designed to conquer the roughest terrain.
Combining aviation-grade aluminum and steel, Thunder 2’s frame and handlebar are built to withstand aggressive use and endure the test of time. It sustains the classic EY3 throttle, but stainless steel switches on the control panel elevate it to a new level of sophistication. The foldable handlebars and stem add a touch of practicality to this wild beast.
Weighing in at 105 pounds, the Thunder 2 is no lightweight contender. Yet it supports riders up to 265 pounds and has a large foot platform. Grip tape is recommended for added traction.
Thunder 2’s 72V, 40Ah battery pack features LG M50T cells. With a max mileage of 107 miles (though real-world figures hover around 59 miles in top performance mode), it’s the cure every off-road enthusiast has been waiting for. Its typical charge time of 26 hours can be cut to a mere 8 hours with fast charging.
This fast electric scooter for long-distance ranges packs two motors that deliver a staggering 5040W max each, reaching speeds up to 62 mph. Accelerating from 0 to 30 mph within 2.2 seconds, it may trail the Kaabo Wolf King GT by a hair, but it’s still an undeniable force to be reckoned with.
The 11″ flat-proof tires and front and rear suspension make the Thunder 2 the ideal off-roading companion. The wheels are easily removable for quick repairs and replacements. NUTT hydraulic brakes and electric braking provide a solid stopping force that brings you from 15 mph to a complete stop in about 10 feet.
Adding panache to its prowess, the Thunder 2 boasts remote-controlled swag lights for visibility and flair. However, it deserves a brighter, high-mounted headlight for increased visibility. Thankfully, the inclusion of a horn rectifies a shortcoming of its predecessor.
3. Techlife X9
Price: $3,693 In the realm of long-range e-scooters, a new titan has emerged – the Techlife X9. A fierce contender in the market, this beast of a machine offers an unparalleled riding experience that leaves even the Thunder 2 envious. Make no mistake; this is no playground toy for beginners.
One glance at the X9 is enough to see that it is built to last. With a premium all-metal construction, its sleek black frame adorned with striking red highlights exudes luxury and power. Techlife’s signature double-bar stem adds a touch of high-end bike aesthetics, setting it apart from the crowd.
The foldable stem offers convenience, although the handlebars remain fixed, unlike the Thunder 2. But what lies beneath the surface sets the X9 apart from its competitors. With a 2300Wh LG Li-ion battery, this e-scooter boasts an incredible 80-mile range. And while the standard charger takes 22 hours to recharge, the dual charging ports can reduce this time by half if you invest in an additional charger. Fast charging may not be on the menu, but this is a small price to pay for such a stunning performance.
Powering this juggernaut are dual 1600W motors, allowing you to conquer intimidating 35% slopes without a hitch. Eco and turbo modes cater to your energy needs, while single and dual-motor settings let you dictate the intensity of your ride. You can reach breakneck speeds up to 53 mph – a hair shy of the manufacturer-quoted 62 mph, but thrilling nonetheless.
X9’s 11″ pneumatic wheels, coupled with adjustable front and rear suspension, make for a fun and comfortable ride at top speeds. With an additional $71, you can swap in off-road tires for a stable, adrenaline-pumping trip on unforgiving terrains. The hydraulic brakes work impressively well on slippery surfaces.
Weighing in at a hefty 115 pounds, the X9 can support up to 265 pounds, with its enormous deck accommodating riders of all shapes and sizes.
4. VSETT 11+ Super72
Price: $4,299
The name alone speaks to the magnitude of this marvel. With 11-inch tires and a 72V battery, the VSETT 11+ Super72 flaunts a sporty look and feel that demands respect. As you approach this mechanical beast, you’re greeted by an optional display, larger and easier to read than any rival. The NFC key lock immobilizer ensures your precious ride remains secure and tamper-free.
At its heart lies a 72V, 32Ah LG battery, propelling the scooter to a maximum range of 60 miles. Powered by two 2000W motors, the top speed may be advertised at 72 mph, but real-world tests have proven a still-impressive 55 mph, equal to the Nami Burn E-2. And fear not, speed demons: this fast long-range electric scooter remains wobble-free.
The VSETT 11+ Super72 is the epitome of stability and control. Rear and front hydraulic shocks, alongside longer swing arms, provide an unparalleled riding experience. The double-stem design further enhances stability, freeing you to conquer any terrain without care. It has 11 x 3.7-inch pneumatic tires, which are effortless to change and offer exceptional grip and performance.
The stock rear-view mirror adds a touch of practicality to this already versatile machine. While powerful Zoom hydraulic brakes give you the confidence to unleash the full potential of this long-range electric scooter for adults.
Though the VSETT 11+ Super72 tips the scales at a hefty 128 pounds, the official weight capacity of 330 pounds means it’s more than capable of handling riders of all sizes.
5. Nami Burn E-2 Max
Price: $4,599
Nami Burn E-2 Max leaves no stone unturned in pursuing unrivaled dependability and longevity. Based on a heat-treated aviation-grade aluminum tubular frame, it stands unyielding against the elements, eliminating wobbles and ensuring a robust and unwavering ride. Its carbon fiber steering column, flexible yet high-strength, grants you unparalleled control in the face of adversity.
The sizable, multi-color waterproof display provides critical stats such as speed, range, G force, and controller temperature. And with an IP55-rating, you have little to fear about nature’s wrath.
Unleash the power of two potent 1500W brushless hub motors, boasting a combined peak output of 8400W. The two 50A sinewave controllers ensure smooth acceleration up to 60 mph. Five riding modes and customizable settings for acceleration and motor torque let Nami Burn E-2 Max caters to your every whim.
The 72V, 40Ah battery, packed with high-density LG 21700 cells, has been tested to last an impressive 72 miles at an average speed of 28 mph while carrying a 176 lb rider. With a 5A fast charger, the Nami Burn E-2 Max recharges in 10 hours. Worried? Don’t be. Adding a 6.5A charger reduces that to 4-5 hours.
Outfitted with 11″ tubeless tires and optional off-road upgrades, the Nami Burn E-2 Max allows you to explore different terrain types. The double adjustable suspension offers customization for higher speeds or off-roading adventures, while 4-piston LOGAN hydraulic brakes, a motorcycle-style horn, and all-around lighting ensure safety.
6. Emove Cruiser
Price: $1,399
Are you seeking a long-range electric scooter with a seat? The Emove Cruiser could be your perfect choice. Its deck measures 21 x 10 inches, offering ample room for a comfortable seat, storage case, or both. For a mere $65, the optional seat transforms your ride into a luxurious journey of unparalleled comfort.
Emove Cruiser’s anti-theft locking system ensures your prized possession remains safe. But while the unique, irreplaceable keys attest to the value of this long-range e-scooter, you want to keep copies somewhere safe.
Regarding aesthetics, Emove Cruiser offers a stunning array of color options for the frame. You can choose between white, black, purple, orange, blue, and red. An IPX6 rating guarantees the beast’s resilience against the elements, while its pneumatic car-grade, tubeless tires ensure a puncture-free ride, even on the most treacherous of roads.
The telescopic steering column classifies Emove Cruiser among the best electric scooters for adults of all sizes, and the waterproof LCD keeps you informed in any weather.
With plug-and-play cabling, replacing the electronics is a breeze, further solidifying the manufacturer’s commitment to user-friendly design. The potent 1000W motor—capable of maxing out at 1600 watts—propels you to 33 mph. Under the hood is an impressive 52V, 30Ah LG battery with 8650 cells, promising a remarkable 62-mile range. Charging time ranges between 9-12 hours.
This best long-range electric scooter’s incredible weight capacity of 352 pounds, while weighing a mere 56 pounds, is a testament to its robust construction. Its 8-inch ground clearance ensures smooth sailing on any terrain.
Safety is paramount, and the Cruiser’s XTECH hybrid hydraulic brakes with 140mm rotors deliver the stopping power you need for a secure ride.
The Emove Cruiser isn’t just a marvel of performance. It’s also a cornucopia of accessories. The possibilities are endless, with options like a VM fingerprint U-lock, side view mirrors, thumb throttle, brake rotors, tire sealants, and a handlebar front bag.
7. Apollo City Pro
Price: $1,699
Building upon the legacy of its predecessor, Apollo City Pro boasts dual motors, eye-catching aesthetics, and a plethora of commuter-friendly features that will make you the envy of every sidewalk warrior.
Behold the power of dual 500W motors, enabling an ESG-tested top speed of 31 mph, and choose from three riding modes to fit your mood and surroundings. You enjoy effortless acceleration with the grippy rubber thumb throttle. It enables you to switch to Gear 1 for a leisurely 10 mph, Gear 2 for a zippy 21 mph, and Gear 3 to conquer the urban jungle at 32 mph.
The Apollo City Pro’s 10″ self-healing, tubeless tires, claimed to be flat-proof, make for uninterrupted rides. The turn signals, conveniently located within the thumb’s reach, automatically switch off, so you never leave them on accidentally.
This best electric scooter for long-distance travel is app-compatible. That allows you to adjust braking and acceleration intensity right from your smartphone. While the scooter’s display could benefit from added brightness, the optional phone mount—though setting you back $50—is a worthy investment.
The 48V, 18Ah battery powers your adventure up to 38 miles per charge. Integrated BMS shields your machine from short circuits, overcurrent, overcharging, overheating, and undervoltage. The battery recharges in a mere 4.5 hours with the 3A charger.
Apollo City Pro’s triple spring system ensures a comfortable ride. It also flaunts dual drum brakes that outlast disc brakes tenfold and halts it from 15 mph within 12.4 feet. A thumb lever on the left handlebar lets you switch to regenerative braking that recharges your battery while prolonging the life of your drum brakes.
Boasting an IP66 water resistance rating, the Apollo City Pro is a true all-weather warrior. And although the handlebars stand tall at 41.5 inches above the deck, the scooter’s portability is one of the few areas where the Apollo City Pro doesn’t surpass its predecessor, weighing in at 65 pounds.
8. InMotion S1
Price: $699
A sleek, all-black design with the InMotion logo proudly engraved on the deck, InMotion S1 screams style and sophistication. It’s priced at a modest $699, making it an absolute steal for those seeking a cheap long-range electric scooter.
InMotion S1 features aluminum construction, coming in at 65 pounds. The rated payload capacity of 300 pounds is a testament to the perfect balance between strength and weight. Assembling the scooter is a breeze, taking roughly 30 minutes for seasoned riders. However, beginners may take a little longer. The 10″ tubeless pneumatic tires and dual suspension at the front and rear ensure a smooth ride, allowing you to cruise over small bumps.
The pièce de résistance of the InMotion S1 is the large, striking LED display, complete with a mesmerizing blue ring. It’s eye-catching and functional, providing essential information at a glance. Tech lovers love that InMotion S1 is compatible with the InMotion app. It gives you full control of your machine and access to a community of fellow InMotion riders. The deck lights remain a cool blue while riding and automatically flash red during turns, adding a layer of safety and style to your journey.
The 1000W motor propels you to a limited speed of 15.5 mph. But fear not, thrill seekers; you can unlock its top speed of 18.6 mph using the InMotion app. Plus, the motor output is customizable to three power modes. Powering this little beast is a 675Wh battery refillable within 3.5 hours using dual charging. And while InMotion claims it can last 59 miles per charge, expect 43 miles in real-world riding conditions.
Regarding safety, S1 features BMS protection for the battery, an IP55 rating, and dual braking. The controller and battery boast even higher ratings, with IPX6 and IPX7, respectively.
1. What is considered a long-range electric scooter
A long-range electric scooter is considered to cover at least 25 miles per charge. Extra long-range options can last a minimum of 40 miles.
2. What is the longest range on an electric scooter?
Worry no more if you’re wondering which electric scooter has the longest range. Dualtron Storm Limitedtakes the cake for the longest-range motorized scooter. It has a manufacturer-quoted mileage of 136 miles, thanks to its 84V, 45Ah Li-ion LG battery. We also love that it supports dual and fast charging.
3. How far can an electric scooter go with a full battery?
It varies depending on the model, battery capacity, and riding conditions. The larger the battery size and the less aggressive the ride, the longer the adventure.
4. Why a long-range e-scooter might not be for you
A long-range scooter might not be your best choice if you want something lightweight, cheaper than $400, or that charges quickly. However, some models offer dual and fast charging capabilities to minimize the wait.