Discover and Master 5 Key Secrets of Unshakable Confidence

In a world where networking can make or break your career, appearances influence dating success, and young adults struggle to find their footing, having confidence is crucial to thriving. An unwavering self-assurance is a powerful tool that can help you navigate life’s challenges, whether public speaking, facing adversity, or forging meaningful connections with others.

If you feel your confidence is lacking, know you’re not alone. The good news is that you can build self-assuredness over time. 

Here’s an insider’s look at the habits of self-assured individuals and how you can adopt them to transform your self-esteem.

They Nurture Inner Happiness

A distinguishing factor between confident and less confident individuals is happiness. Self-assured people radiate joy because they find contentment within themselves without relying on external validation or approval. 

Confident individuals take pride in their abilities and accomplishments without comparing themselves to others. They know that everyone’s journey is unique, and instead of feeling threatened, they celebrate others’ successes and eagerly learn from their experiences.

They Embrace the Power of “No”

Agreeable people are more susceptible to stress, depression, and self-pity than their more assertive counterparts. That makes setting boundaries and limits for yourself an important part of building self-esteem, self-respect, and confidence. It’s also a key factor in developing an attitude of certainty about who you are and what you want out of life.

This doesn’t mean you should never change your mind or occasionally make exceptions. It’s as simple as not compromising on certain things, no matter how much pressure others put on you. That way, you have no qualms about turning down requests that are unnecessary or would jeopardize your current commitments.

They Are Masters of Self-Celebration

Insecure individuals often seek external validation, but confident people don’t need to broadcast their accomplishments. They appreciate their achievements internally, recognizing that self-praise is more meaningful and valuable than public recognition.

It’s taking pride in your work, being grateful for what you have, and appreciating the journey that got you where you are today. For that reason, work to reinforce positive feelings about yourself.!

They Genuinely Engage Others

Social situations are opportunities to connect and enjoy the company of others, not to seek attention or approval. Confident people understand this well, so they actively listen to others instead of interrupting or trying to outshine them.

Below are several ways to build confidence via social interactions.

  • Engage in meaningful conversations: Seek opportunities to engage with others. Discussing deeper topics and sharing your thoughts and ideas can help build your self-esteem by demonstrating your competence and intelligence.
  • Join social groups or clubs that share your interests or values. This will help you connect with like-minded individuals and cultivate a sense of belonging, enhancing your self-esteem.
  • Volunteer in your community by helping others less fortunate than yourself. Acts of kindness and generosity can help reinforce your self-worth.
  • Learn to accept compliments: Practice receiving compliments graciously by saying thank you and acknowledging the compliment. This will help you internalize positive feedback and enhance your confidence.
  • Collaborate on projects: Work with others on projects requiring teamwork and cooperation. 

They Assert Themselves Without Aggression

There is a clear distinction between confidence and aggression. Confident people respect differing opinions and stand firm in their beliefs without belittling others.

Conversely, aggression involves forcing one’s views upon others and demeaning them. While insecure individuals may fear appearing foolish, those with genuine self-confidence appreciate that no one knows everything and are comfortable being corrected.


Cultivating confidence doesn’t have to be daunting. It’s a continuous journey with many stages, but you’ve got to make that single step. Embrace these habits, and watch your self-assurance grow, leading to a happier, more fulfilling life.

6 Tips on How to Find a Job You Love

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how to find a job

So, you’re wondering how to find a job you love. That can feel overwhelming, whether you’re new to the market, returning to the workforce after some time off, or changing careers. After all, you’re going up against several other candidates.

You must be on your A-game to gain a competitive advantage.

So, where do you start? This article will provide practical tips to land your dream job.

Why Should You Learn How to Find a Job?

There’s more to navigating the world of employment than building a good resume and compiling references. By mastering the art of job searching, you increase the chances of getting hired for a role that matches your qualifications, goals, values, and interests. 

The following section summarizes the process of finding a job you love.

6 Steps to Nail Your Job Search

  1. See what’s out there
  2. Tailor your resume and cover letter
  3. Tidy your social media
  4. Practice your interviewing skills
  5. Attend job interviews with enthusiasm
  6. Understand this process takes time 

1. See what’s out there

The first step to finding a job is identifying the available opportunities in your field of interest. You can peruse free job posting sites, company websites, and professional networking sites like LinkedIn. Or attend job fairs and professional networking events. 

Alternatively, contact professionals in your network for first-hand information on open opportunities in their organizations. After all, over 80% of jobs get filled via close ties. 

2. Tailor your resume and cover letter

Your resume and cover letter are your marketing tools in the employment world. Customizing them to the job you want increases your chances of getting noticed by the employer and landing an interview.

A quick tip is to review the job posting and identify the keywords used and skills the employer seeks. Incorporate these keywords and skills into your resume and cover letter, detailing how your abilities add value to the hiring company—not just listing them like a grocery list. 

3. Tidy your social media

Seventy percent of hiring decision-makers surveyed by Harris Poll believe employers should check a job candidate’s social media profiles. You must, therefore, work to present a professional and positive image on your online profiles.

That involves deleting anything inappropriate or controversial that could tank your impression. You should also adjust your privacy settings to control what others can see about your private life.

4. Refine your interviewing skills

Another critical pointer on how to find a job you love is mastering interview preparation. That involves:

  • Researching the company
  • Preparing answers to common interview questions
  • Conducting a mock interview with a friend or relative able to provide honest feedback
  • Compiling the necessary documents, including a hard copy of your resume
  • Preparing thought-provoking questions for the interviewer
  • Making travel arrangements
  • Preparing the right outfit for your interview

5. Attend job interviews with enthusiasm

Strive to make a great impression during your job interview. Dress the part, arrive early, portray confidence (not arrogance), and maintain positivity. We recommend following up with the hiring manager within 24 hours with a recap of the interview and a reiteration of your interest. 

Your first interview may not be final, so don’t rule out opportunities too quickly.

And if you don’t land a second interview or the role? You’ll still get to master interviewing skills and determine what employers in your industry want. 

6. Understand this process takes time

It takes time to find a job. Multiple applications go into landing a single interview, and some companies take weeks to finalize their hiring decisions. 

Whether rejected or waiting for feedback, keep applying for other opportunities, networking, and refining your skills. That way, when the right opportunity comes along, you’ll be ready to seize it.

Need further help? Discover more ideas on how to advance your career.

Study Break Ideas for College: 9 Super-Easy and Affordable Options

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Study break ideas for college students

Are you a college student, bored, unmotivated, and struggling to meet your academic goals? The semester is wrapping up, finals are quickly approaching, and you’re about ready to pull your hair out. Sounds familiar? If yes, you’re not alone… and it’s not too late to capitalize on a few study break ideas for college students to bring some fun back into your life. 

An occasional breather is essential for mental health and creative thinking/problem-solving abilities. But it’s beyond taking a nap or catching up with the latest Netflix release. 

This blog focuses on 9 study break ideas that are relatively easy but can often lead to unexpected bursts of motivation and productivity. 

Importance of Taking Breaks When Studying

It can be easy to push yourself too far. But you’re not a machine, nor should you treat yourself like one. After all, machines need constant maintenance to keep going.

So, how do you know it’s time to take a study break? Below are several signs:

  • You’re feeling unfocused and can’t wait to take some time off your books or computer screen
  • You’re having trouble retaining information, regardless of how many times you try to re-read a particular section
  • Intense eye twitching accompanied by swelling, watering, and redness
  • You feel like a ticking time bomb. Your body switches into the fight and flight mode, making you easily agitated by minor things.
  • You’ve been staring at the same page for several minutes, and all you can picture is the last time you had a good nap.
  • You feel physically drained from sitting at your desk for too long 
  • Your roommate repeatedly threatens to call campus security on you for “studying too hard.”
  • The words on your screen have started to blur.
  • Your head is starting to hurt, and you can’t tell if it’s from staring at the computer screen or from all the stress in your life that has now come rushing back.

Importance of Taking Breaks When Studying 

Why is it important to take breaks while studying? Here are some benefits to consider:

  • Improved memory and concentration
  • Lower stress levels
  • Relaxed muscles
  • Better perspective on difficult concepts
  • Improved productivity 
  • Overall positivity

1. Improved memory and concentration

Study breaks give your brain a chance to rest and recharge its batteries. You’ll, therefore, find it easier to engage in your study material and remember key points.

2. Lower stress levels

When you feel bogged down by all of the work ahead of you, taking a break for even 10 minutes can help clear some of those depressive feelings and anxiety.

3. Relaxed muscles

Whether in the middle of a big project or exam, it’s easy to forget that some parts of your body don’t belong in a chair for hours. Taking time to stretch your body out will help relax your muscles and get more oxygen flowing throughout your body, keeping you alert.

4. Better perspective on difficult concepts

Sometimes we get stuck in a mental loop when trying to learn something new and challenging. That’s bound to cause frustrations and mental fatigue. Taking a break from your study is often enough to gain a new perspective on previously inconspicuous things. 

5. Improved productivity 

It can be hard to stay productive when you’re studying for hours on end without breaks. A study break can help you briefly escape distractions so that your mind can effectively focus on things that matter when you return to business.

6. Overall positivity 

Taking breaks can also boost your mood by giving you time away from the stressors of schoolwork. That way, you stay motivated and positive about your life, both in and out of school.

What is a Good Study Break?

A good study break should keep your mind fresh, alert, and ready to tackle new challenges. It’s about giving your brain a chance to recharge so you can get back to schoolwork with renewed energy and focus. 

But how often should you take breaks when studying? It will depend on your studying habits and schedule. A good rule of thumb is to take a study break every 50-90 minutes for 10-25 minutes. 

The next section will teach you how to take a study break that works for your health and academics. 

Effective Study Break Ideas for College Students 

  1. Mindful meditation for 10-15 minutes
  2. Prepare a healthy meal 
  3. Quick workout
  4. Go for a quick walk or bike ride
  5. Clean up your workspace
  6. Do something creative
  7. Call someone you enjoy talking to
  8. Take a cold shower
  9. Keep a journal

1. Mindfulness meditation for 10-15 Minutes

Mindfulness means cultivating a compassionate awareness of the present moment. When we’re mindful, we can see our actual emotions, thoughts, and actions, not as we wish them to be or think they should be. 

The most common mindfulness-based practice involves sitting in silence for an allotted period each day, usually 10-15 minutes long. With your eyes closed, breathe deeply to clear your mind from distractions.

You can use an app like Headspace for guided meditation sessions.

2. Prepare a healthy meal

Your body needs fuel to keep going, which makes preparing a healthy meal a great idea to break from your study sessions. It’s good for your overall health (hello, vitamins!), along with helping keep your finances in check

Online recipes and YouTube tutorials will suffice when you’re feeling adventurous. We recommend shopping for ingredients beforehand, so all you have to do is throw something together within a limited time.

3. A quick workout

A quick workout during a study break doesn’t just help clear your head and relieve stress. It’s a great way to get your heart rate up, increasing the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. 

You don’t have to start planning a marathon. A quick jog around the block or a few sets of bodyweight exercises (such as pushups and squats) will do the trick. 

Stay moderate with this, though. You don’t want to get too exhausted from your study break that you can’t get the most out of your following lecture. 

 4. A quick walk or bike ride

walking is a great study break idea

Research shows anaerobic exercise, such as walking and bike riding, spur positive changes in the brain. Such activity also stimulates your brain to release dopamine, a hormone closely linked to pleasure, motivation, and improved moods. And with a relaxed state of mind, the higher your chances of sailing through complicated subjects.

Plus, strolls and bike rides are fun.

You can listen to music or podcasts while out there. But don’t be so engrossed that you forget what’s around you, especially traffic. 

5. Clean up your workspace

A cluttered workspace can create a feeling of drowning in chaos. It’s distracting, too, as it’s hard to focus when your brain screams at you to get rid of the mess around you. 

Here are a few pointers to declutter your workspace during study breaks:

  • Organize stacks of papers on your desk or drawers) and dispose of unnecessary items taking up usable space.
  • Color-code your files or organize them into one folder, binder, or shelf according to the subject area or projects. 
  • Store supplies you aren’t currently using in a space that is easy to reach later
  • Wiping down surfaces can help ensure they’re clean and inviting. 
  • Add personal touches like photos or mementos from home (as long as they don’t distract you too much from studying).

6. Do something creative

Whether studying for midterms or laboring through lectures, it can seem like there’s no room for anything else in a student’s life. Why not break the monotony with something that sparks joy and creativity?

It’s not just about refining a particular skill; it’s also about injecting some fun into your life. And you don’t need to be an expert at anything—only be willing to try something new.

Here are some ideas:

  • Pick up a musical instrument. Psychology Today reports that playing a musical instrument can improve your brain power. 
  • Try drawing. You don’t have to be Picasso. Doodle around with crayons or markers, or try watercolors if you feel adventurous. 
  • Play chessboard with friends. Instead of getting caught up in long games of Candy Crush or watching TV, try playing chess with friends—it’ll keep your mind sharp.

7. Call someone you enjoy talking to

An energizing conversation with someone who makes you smile and laugh is a fantastic study break idea.

Remember that no one likes listening to people complain about things they can’t control, and nothing will drain your energy faster than listening to someone else complain about their problems. So, ensure it isn’t a call where you bring up your frustrations.

8. Take a cold shower

A cold shower helps shock your system into action and eliminate brain fog, leaving you refreshed and ready to take on whatever comes next.

Of course, getting used to cold showers takes some time, but it should become second nature with time. However, if you have heart disease or are currently experiencing a cold or flu, stick with warm water until your symptoms subside.

9. Keep a journal 

Journaling can boost happiness and make you feel better about yourself, leading to a more optimistic view of life. In fact, one study linked expressive writing to reduced depressive thoughts before exams and higher-than-average grades in students. 

If you haven’t tried journaling before, worry less. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or complicated. You can jot down what you did, what happened during a lecture, or something you are thankful for. 

What Not To Do During Study Breaks for College

A study method with breaks should be intentional and designed to benefit your focus and productivity more than it detracts from it. 

So, what should you not do during study breaks for college? Below are a few examples:

1. Checking social media

Social media can be an excellent tool for keeping up with friends and family outside of school. However, you could get lost in this rabbit hole of information and pictures, wasting time you could invest in something rejuvenating. 

2. Watching TV

TV and movies can be very entertaining, which makes it easy for your brain to get sucked into their world. The problem is that they are passive entertainment. You’re not actively engaging with the material, processing it, or getting involved — you’re just sitting back and absorbing whatever happens on the screen.

3. Taking too much caffeine

Caffeine can give you an energy boost when needed most, but too much can cause restlessness or insomnia. It might take longer than usual for your mind to calm down and focus again on studying.

4. Playing video games

Video games are a popular choice for fun study break ideas for college students. But that’s counterintuitive. They could encourage addictive behavior, making it harder to focus on things that matter to your academic success. 

5. Sleeping

The question “Can I sleep during study break?” is perennial, and the answer might surprise you. Sleeping through a study break isn’t always a good idea. It can lead to mental fuzziness, impairing your ability to think clearly during lectures.

6. Binge eating

Overeating during study breaks is unadvised for two reasons: It’ll mess up your health and make it difficult for you to focus on your work. 

Bottom Line

If you’re struggling with the question, “How can I recharge my brain to study?”, the above study break ideas for college students should get you back on track with added motivational aggression. More importantly, take these brief breathers often rather than in large blocks of time. 

Looking for further help? Discover more valuable tips for your career and academic advancement.

How to Write a Resignation Letter [Plus 4 Examples]

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Wondering how to write a resignation letter. Not a fun thing, but sometimes it’s all you can do to leave your current job with dignity and move on to the next chapter in your life. And while it’s tempting to quit your job and skip out on the stipulated two weeks’ notice, you certainly don’t want to burn bridges with professionals who could influence your future career opportunities.

A resignation letter is a written communication informing your employer of your intention to leave the company. You can submit it handwritten or typed. And while there are no hard and fast rules for this sort of correspondence, a polite and professional tone is advised.

But the last thing you want to do is spend all weekend writing something you probably won’t send. So here’s a simple guide on writing a letter of resignation with as little stress as possible. Included are four examples for your utmost convenience.

Let’s get started with the importance of a professional resignation letter.

Why is a Resignation Letter Important?

What’s most tricky on how to write a resignation email/letter is that you must be honest about your reasons for leaving. These reasons are often about us and our personal growth. Sometimes, though, it has to do with the workplace—for example, when your efforts go unappreciated or you feel like the company is treating you unfairly.

A well-written resignation letter is an opportunity to leave a positive impression that might help you in the future. It will be an enduring record after you leave. After all, you never know when a referral or letter of recommendation might come in handy. 

When drafting your letter, take care not to breach your employment contract. Reading through any literature provided on your first day of work might reveal critical details that, when ignored, might compromise your next steps.

Before submitting a resignation letter, we recommend talking with your current line manager in person, on the phone, or by video chat. That demonstrates respect and professional courtesy and goes a long way to reflect positively on you. Keep calm and professional throughout the conversation and desist from airing personal issues.

What Should You Include in a Resignation Letter?

Make sure to include the following details in your resignation letter:

  • Your intention to leave the company
  • Your leaving date
  • The will to complete a handover
  • Statement of gratitude 
  • Your signature

Your resignation letter should communicate your decision politely and positively. Show appreciation for the opportunity, taking care not to include any complaints. A face-to-face meeting with a director or HR manager will suffice if you must provide specific reasons for terminating your employment.

You should take time before accepting a counteroffer (whether a promotion or pay rise). Consider the reason for quitting, what drew you to the new role, and whether the counter-offer will change the circumstances that made you resign.

How to Write a Resignation Email/Letter

Take the following steps to craft a professional and confident resignation letter:

  • Get to the point
  • Include a statement of gratitude
  • Offer to help with the transition

1. Get to the point

When writing a resignation letter, be brief and to the point. Remember: it’s not the time to criticize your coworkers or job. 

Make sure to include the following elements:

  • A line stating your intent to leave your current position
  • A sentence highlighting your last day of work

It could be something like:

Please accept this letter as formal notice that I’m resigning from my current position as (your current job title) from the (your current department). My last day of work at work will be (your estimated last day).”

Your employment contract likely stipulates the length of notice. Use the clause to estimate your last day of employment so your current employer can effectively plan for the transition period.

2. Include a statement of gratitude

It’s good resignation etiquette to express gratitude for the opportunities you enjoyed while working for the organization. What moments, experiences, or projects have helped you secure your new position? If any, communicate to your current employer how beneficial the opportunities have been to your career.

Remember that your resignation letter becomes part of your personnel file, and you may need your current employer for future reference. That means anything you tell your employer or include in your resignation letter could haunt you when finding a new job. So, strive to leave things on a good note for a lasting positive impression.

Here’s an example of a statement of gratitude.

“During my time with (company name), I enjoyed the atmosphere with your team, and I will miss the moments. I greatly appreciated the opportunities I’ve had to (mention some of your tasks), and I have learned (mention new skills acquired on the job), all of which are fundamental to my career growth.”

3. Offer to help with the transition

It’s a good idea to express your willingness to help your current company with the transition. That goes a long way in obtaining closure and leaving a positive impression, which may be helpful if you need a reference for a future career opportunity.

The transition period may comprise detailed handovers and project completion. You can also coach a new hire or familiarize a colleague with your role and responsibilities. Most importantly, only promise what you can deliver.

 It could be something like:

“Before I leave, I will do anything possible to assist you with the handover. I can train a respective team member over the next 14 days or help my department source for a replacement, whom I will be glad to acquaint. Please let me know if there is any other way I can help you in the transition period.”

Resignation Letter Examples for Different Situations

1. An email resignation letter due to a change in career

Subject: Resignation- (Your Name)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Kindly consider this letter as an official notification of my resignation from my position as (job title) for (company name) effective (last day of work). I have accepted a role at (your next company) and look forward to the new career path.

It was a great honor working with you. Thank you for the opportunities and positive experiences I enjoyed with this organization.

I will complete all the pending projects by the end of my resignation notice. Please let me know if I can be of help during the handover.


Your Name


2. Example of resignation letter due to a health issue

Dear Mr. Arnold,

With great regret, I inform you of my resignation from my current position as (your job title) effective (your last day of work). Due to a recent diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, I understand that my condition will require lengthy treatment and recovery, and I’m uncertain that my capacity to perform my duties will return.

I have so much enjoyed working at HighFlier Holdings. I sincerely thank you for your mentorship over the past three and a half years, and I will not forget the incredible friends and colleagues I have made along the journey.

Please let me know if you need assistance transitioning my responsibilities to a teammate.

I appreciate your understanding and wish you and the HighFlier Holdings fraternity all the best.


(Your Signature)

Ezekiel Gates

3. Resignation letter due to relocation

Dear Mr. Grayson,

With regret and utmost reluctance, I tender this letter of resignation to notify you I will resign from HighFlier Holdings effective October 15, 2021. My pending relocation to Wales has necessitated the decision.

I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to work at HighFlier Holdings. I enjoyed my tenure with my colleagues, and I greatly appreciate the learning experience.

Could you require my intervention about my replacement? Count on me! I can help you find the right hire and impact them with the skills to get started.


(Your signature)

Olivia Ivy

4. Email letter of resignation example due to company changes

Dear Mr. Grayson,

Kindly consider this letter an official notification of my resignation from my position as (title) for (company name). I shall officially resign on September 26, 2022, which marks my last day of work at Henry & Sons.

While I’ve always enjoyed my work at Henry & Sons, I no longer feel I am a good fit after recent organizational changes.

Indeed, I’m genuinely grateful for the fantastic opportunity you gave me to build my career, and I shall live to cherish the incredible moments I had with my coworkers.

Kindly let me know if I can help train and acquaint my replacement. Thank you.

Best regards,

Olivia Ivy